Dawn Duo

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Last seen together in February and March, the planets Venus and Jupiter are in close proximity once again, rising in the east just before dawn. This view looks over a cornfield about .1-mile east of Echo Hill Presbyterian Church in Marion, Iowa. Venus, the lower and brightest object, shines at magnitude -4.46; Jupiter (above Venus), -2.05. Also visible is the 0.84-magnitude star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus (below Venus); the Pleiades star cluster (above Jupiter); a portion of the stars of Perseus (above left of the Pleiades); the star Capella in Auriga (far left). This seven second exposure, shot around 4:38 AM, July 4, 2012, was imaged at f/7.1, 800 ISO and 18mm focal length. Sunrise was at 5:36 AM. The air temperature at this time was a balmy 75 degrees with 82% humidity. Strangely, no small "critters" or insects interfered with my photo session.


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