Blazes of Glory

Monday, May 27, 2024

Family members who live in rural Shueyville, Iowa hold a bonfire about twice a year for friends and family (a sort of Fourth of July viewing event). The following images were captured during the bonfire on Saturday evening, May 11, 2024. This was the day following a significant Northern Lights event across the globe, and I had hoped to capture predicted reoccurrences this night along with the bonfire itself. Alas, that did not happen. Images look north. Image above is a 1/60 second exposure at f/4, ISO 3600, 24mm focal length.

1.3 second exposure at f/4, ISO 800, 24mm focal length.

2.5 second exposure at f/4, ISO 800, 24mm focal length.

4 second exposure at f/4, ISO 200, 24mm focal length.

4 second exposure at f/4, ISO 200, 24mm focal length.


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