Long Lunar Eclipse
Friday, November 19, 2021
2:56 am CST, Friday, November 19, 2021. Looking WSW at partial lunar eclipse from the Bowman Woods Park area of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The eclipse's maximum extent would occur at 3:02 am. Air temperature was a frosty 18 degrees F. Above and right of the moon is the Pleiades Star Cluster, and the bright object at the top left is the 0.84 magnitude star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. Image is a 10 second exposure at f/4.2, ISO 320 and 28mm focal length. The composited moon (taken from image below) is a 1/5 second exposure at f/5.6, ISO 320, 300mm focal length, and was captured at 3:04 am. This moon is considered a "Beaver Moon," and the partial eclipse from it was the longest in 580 years! Nikon D7200 DSLR camera. Read more...