Transmitter Trails
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Warm southerly winds blow across the snowy field at the 600 WMT AM radio's transmitter facility located at 1837 Radio Road just northeast of Marion, Iowa as star trails wheel around Polaris, the North Star, Monday evening, January 30, 2012. This view of the north sky was taken from the facility's drive entrance about .3 mile east of Highway 13. The temperature at this hour was a mild 46 degrees F, down from an earlier day's record high of 56 degrees. This image was created by shooting 68 30-second exposures and "stacking" them into a single image using StarStaX software. Total exposure time was from 7:04-7:40 PM. Each separate exposure was shot at f/5.6, ISO 320 and 18mm focal length. Very apparent are the bright stars of the Big Dipper at far right. Also visible at top are a few faint aircraft paths.